Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Guest Post - A Few of My Favorite Things

[I am hardly the only voice singing into the maelstrom. Today, I hand the mic over to a fellow infosec pro and all-around witmaster, Brad Judy. -Dan]

A Few of My Favorite Things

Like Dan, I'm an information security pro in higher education. I am currently the Director of Information Security for the Administrative Division of the University of Colorado (for professional info, see http://www.linkedin.com/pub/brad-judy/1/470/7b3). I'm a husband, father, traveler, photographer, wood turner and general geek. I like to sing to my one year old daughter on our walks and have recently been singing her items from The Sound of Music. With thanks to Dan for help on the meter, and apologies to Rogers, Hammerstein and Julie Andrews; I give you the infosec version of "My Favorite Things"

Full disk encryption and good virus scanners,
IDS updates and disaster planners,
Coding securely: the joy that it brings!
These are a few of my favorite things.

DLP networks and good central logging,
Firewall blocking and infosec blogging,
Checking the uptime with regular pings:
These are a few of my favorite things.

Two factor tokens and HIPAA compliance,
Incident handling and forensic science,
Regex that matches to sensitive strings:
These are a few of my favorite things!

When the bots come!
When the disk's lost!
When the feds have phoned!
I simply remember my favorite things,
And then I don't feel so owned!